
"Van Leeuwen" in de familie? / "Van Leeuwen" in the family?

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Leeuwendeel is the name of our family magazine. A magazine should have been released once a year for all descendants of these two ancestors.

Cornelia Maria Meijer (1862-1921)Willebrordus Gerardus van Leeuwen (1857-1936)

Cornelia Maria Meijer(1862-1921) and Willebrordus Gerardus van Leeuwen (1857-1936)


But unfortunately the lack motivation and time to do it every year. Fortunately, there are a few copies appeared.

However, there is the motivation to set up a website. At this website are coming the interesting articles from our small magazines.



Genealogy is another word for family science. Under the button "Genealogy" can be found are deceased family members. Willebrordus Gerardus van Leeuwen, who lived from 1857 to 1936, and Maria Cornelia Meyer are the foundation. Included their children, grandchildren and the partners of their children with their parents and greandparents. 


Under the tab Genealogy are the following menu choices made:

Under Descendants we find the descendants of Willebrordus Gerardus van Leeuwen.

Under Index on surname are the surnames alphabetically.

Under Index on location are the locations alphabetically.

Under Search list can be searched for a person. Where possible, there is also a photo.

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